FaxStore Changelogs


Weblutions Documentation > FaxStore Changelogs > 2.x.x > 2.5.1 - Recovery One

2.5.1 - Recovery One

This update includes fixes identified in the 2.5.0 release of FaxStore.

  • Fixed an issue with Tebex where the item name wouldn't appear in the add to cart button - #2007
  • Fixed an issue where users could still review no product - #2013
  • Fixed an issue where payments wouldn't be entered into the database for users with Unicode usernames - #2010 & #1927
  • Made out weblutions backend file static rather than live fetched, while we work out a better solution - #2003
  • Fixed an issue where longer item type names would overflow out of the save button when editing an item - #1935

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faxstore changelog

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