FaxStore Changelogs


Weblutions Documentation > FaxStore Changelogs > 2.x.x > 2.7.6 - DNS Records Are Cool

2.7.6 - DNS Records Are Cool

This FaxStore update brings some bug fixes and also welcomes back SendGrid as a free option! If you encounter any bugs or have a suggestion for the store let us know via our feedback tracker.


  • A slow rollout of the FaxStore API has released. See our API docs to see what's currently usable. More endpoints will release over time once current ones are tested
  • SendGrid is now back as a fallback if a SendGrid token or SMTP isn't provided
  • Added a DNS table that shows examples on the setup page
  • Local user accounts have been moved to snowflake user IDs instead of timestamp ones


  • Further resolved issues with the MySQL backups breaking for many stores
  • Resolved a few TypeError (reading '0') errors that populated on stores
  • A reference error with totalPrice not being defined has been corrected
  • Corrected SMTP template inserts not working for invoice and order emails


  • Discount codes are now checked on checkout to ensure it is still active if the discount code was previously added to the cart

The below was posted in our community Discord server and is a thread onto the 2.7.0 SendGrid Availability Update.

Future of SendGrid Availability Volume 2

Previously we announced that the built in free SendGrid option was being removed from FaxStore versions 2.7.0 and above. To be clear, this wasn't SendGrid support but the usage of our own SendGrid credentials if you didn't provide them.

At the time this was due to a high amount of spam and unregulated emails being sent to users with accounts, in some cases it was just spam mail.

In version 2.7.6 we're bringing this back with some key differences that will help us. This is also thanks to #turbonode's FaxStore Hosting which provides FaxStore with extra funding to afford this more comfortably. Here are the differences.

  • Emails will no longer be sent from the weblutions domain. Instead they'll come from your-store@faxstore.id. With 'your store' being replaced by your own stores name in lowercase hyphened formatting.
  • Additional checks will be performed with the ability to have your access blocked if the service is abused.
  • We also might add the possibility to view received mail to your stores email address (this isn't set in stone though).

Again, shout to the extra funding methods mentioned above and we hope this will help those of you that are having some issues with either creating a SendGrid account or with SMTP not working.

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