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Weblutions Documentation > FaxStore > Permissions


Since the 2.2 update of FaxStore permissions now use a new bitfield based system to allow better customisation and cater for every store owner. Below is a table that contains all the permissions that are in FaxStore.

Function example:

// hasPermission(userData, permission)
// The second parameter (permission) can be a string of a permission or an array of permissions, if one is met it returns true.
if(hasPermission(userData || userInfo || {id: userId, bitfield: userBitfield}, 'VIEW_USERS')) {
  console.log(`User has permission 'VIEW_USERS'`);
  // Function returns a BOOLEAN

// More refined example:
if(hasPermission({id: '282762192544333827', bitfield: '19669056'}, 'MANAGE_OWNED_ITEMS')) {
  console.log(`User has permission 'MANAGE_OWNED_ITEMS'`);

This function is available as an event, and function in backend and EJS files.

NONENo permissions for the user. This is used for normal site users.
VIEW_STAFF_PANELAllows the user to view the staff panel, this essentially unlocks the 'Staff' button in the header.
EDIT_USERAllows editing of user settings and edit the staff note on users.
EMAIL_USERSAllows staff to send individual or mass emails.
DELETE_USERSAllows staff to delete user accounts fully.
BAN_USERSAllows staff to (un)ban users.
DISABLE_USERSAllows staff to be able to (un)disable user accounts.
VIEW_USERSAllows staff to view user profiles and details, including owned items, receipts. They can't action anything on the user only view.
VIEW_AUDIT_LOGAllows staff to view the stores audit logs.
VIEW_INSIGHTSAllows staff to view the stores insights along with individual store item statistics.
VIEW_INVOICESAllows staff to only view invoices.
VIEW_GIFTCARDSAllows staff to view users gift cards.
MANAGE_INVOICESAllows staff to manage invoices; creating, editing, and cancelling.
MANAGE_BLOGSAllows staff to manage blogs; create, delete, and edit both articles and blog settings (including categories)
MANAGE_PAGESAllows staff to manage static pages, team members, and home page settings.
MANAGE_GALLERYAllows staff to upload and delete images in the gallery.
MANAGE_PARTNERSAllows staff to create, edit, and delete partners.
MANAGE_ORDERSAllows staff to view and update all orders.
MANAGE_STOREAllows staff to; create, edit, delete everything store related including releases.
MANAGE_SUBSCRIPTIONSAllows staff to manage subscriptions and view them.
MANAGE_OWNED_ITEMSAllows staff to add, delete and view a users owned items.
MANAGE_GIFTCARDSAllows staff to add and delete gift cards from users.
OWNERAllows every permission listed and can't be overridden by any permission.
MANAGE_FORMSAllows staff to create, delete, edit, and view all forms.
MANAGE_QUOTESAllows a user to create, update, and delete quotes.

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