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Weblutions Documentation > FaxStore > Features > Email System

Email System

This page is currently being remade for the 2.7.4 email changes

FaxStore comes with SMTP and SendGrid support, and while SendGrid maintains more official support SMTP still has the ability to perform most actions.

FaxStore can send emails for the following things

  • Notifications
  • Purchase receipts (optional attachment with SendGrid)
  • Invoices (optional attachment with SendGrid)
  • Account creations
  • Product updates
  • Categorised mass emails (listed below)

mass email example

Mass email categories

  • Newsletter
  • Promotional
  • Transactional
  • Event / Holiday
  • New Product / Release
  • Feedback / Survey
  • Account / ToS

Users have the ability to opt-out of these email categories, except for account/ToS related emails (as this might be a regulatory requirement in some regions).

Custom Email Designs

The design of the base emails can be edited or fully changed. With prefills (listed below) that will be replaced with actual content relative to the email.

All email templates are HTML files and are located under /files/email-templates. To design emails a platform like designmodo.com is what we've used.

The below prefills will replace the the prefill name with the content relative to it.

- {{NAME}} equals the site name

- {{LOGO}} equals the sites normal logo

- {{LOGO_PNG}} equals the sites PNG logo variant if set

- {{COLOR}} equals the sites accent color

- {{DAY}} equals the current day

- {{MONTH}} equals the current month in name format

- {{YEAR}} equals the current year

- {{SUBJECT}} equals the emails subject line

- {{BODY}} equals the emails body content

- {{UNSUBSCRIBE}} equals the unsubscribe link

- {{ORDER_ITEM_SIZE}} equals the number of items in the order (checkout emails)

- {{ORDER_SUBTOTAL}} equals the subtotal of the order (checkout emails)

- {{ORDER_DISCOUNT}} equals the discount of the order (checkout emails)

- {{ORDER_TOTAL}} equals the total for the order (checkout emails)

- {{INVOICE_ITEM_SIZE}} equals the number of items in the invoice (invoice emails)

- {{INVOICE_TOTAL}} equals the total for the invoice (checkout invoice)

- {{FAXSTORE_LOGO}} equals the FaxStore logo

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