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Weblutions Documentation > FaxStore > Features > Discounts and Sales
Discounts and Sales
FaxStore offers a range of discount and sales related features to enhance your ability to create promotional material at any time. With Discord integration for discounts FaxStore offers a unique experience that others don't.
FaxStore offers a great discount system to allow merchants to operate at full capacity. Options for discount codes include:
- Custom names for the discounts codes
- Ability to use a negative value or percentage as the discount amount
- Required Discord roles through integration
- Set a limit for the maximum amount of uses store wide
- Set limits on how many times each customer can use the discount code
- Expiry dates to automatically disable the promotion code on a given date

FaxStore also as of version 2.8.0 offers a sales system which allows automatic store-wide, product category wide, and singular product sales. These sales have the following configuration features:
- Internal naming for sales
- Selectable products (all, categories, or singular products)
- Percentage value to discount all items at
- Expiry date to automatically stop the sale

FaxStore has a built in referral system that tracks link uses and sales driven from those links. This helps merchants with any partner links that can track performance. All the information is display only in the discounts section on the staff panel. As seen in the below image.

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