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Weblutions Documentation > FaxStore > API > Accounts
The Accounts API for FaxStore provides a comprehensive solution for managing user accounts, including creation, deletion, modification, and retrieval of account details. This API ensures secure and efficient handling of user information and authentication processes across the platform.
GET /api/account/:id
Returns the provided user information.
authorization | [Header] A valid API token |
id | [URL] The users displayed ID, or internal database ID |
Response: [Expand]
GET /api/account/:id/permission
Returns a Boolean value whether the user has the provided permission. The function also returns a list of the permissions the user has.
authorization | [Header] A valid API token |
id | [URL] The users displayed ID, or internal database ID |
has | [Query] A permission name to check for against the users existing permissions |
Response: [Expand]
POST /api/account
Creates a user with the specified data. The account password cannot be set, it is generated and the user will have to reset the password.
authorization | [Header] A valid API token |
id | [URL] The users displayed ID, or internal database ID |
username | [Body] The users display name |
email | [Body] The users email |
type | [Body] Account type, must be one of; local, discord, github, google |
id | [Body] Optional, the user ID, if not provided one will be generated. If this is a Google, Discord, or GitHub account the services ID should be used |
image | [Body] Optional, users profile image |
bio | [Body] Optional, bio for users account, feature unused by default |
tebexUsername | [Body] Optional, Tebex registered username |
banned | [Body] Optional, Boolean for if the user is banned |
disabled | [Body] Optional, Boolean for if the user is disabled |
Response: [Expand]
PATCH /api/account/:id
Updates the user with the provided fields.
authorization | [Header] A valid API token |
id | [URL] The users displayed ID, or internal database ID |
id | [Body] Optional |
username | [Body] Optional |
image | [Body] Optional |
email | [Body] Optional |
bio | [Body] Optional |
tebexUsername | [Body] Optional |
Response: [Expand]
DELETE /api/account/:id
Deletes the provided account from FaxStore. This action generally isn't recommended, consider banning the user instead.
authorization | [Header] A valid API token |
id | [URL] The users displayed ID, or internal database ID |
Response: [Expand]
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