Weblutions Documentation > Product Documentation > WebForms > WebForms Installation

WebForms Installation

Installing WebForms is easy provided the guides are followed fully. Please take note of the below requirements for WebForms.

  • Linux (Ubuntu) machine to operate. Commonly known as a VPS or dedicated box
  • Domain Name
  • Discord Account

This is a Node.Js based website and requires a server to be ran. This will not run on common 'Shared Hosting' plans.

Step One

Complete the install of a LEMN stack if you have not done so before.

Step Two

Now upload your WebForms files into a new directory on the machine under /home/webforms.

Install the database by logging into MySQL.

Use mysql -u root -p to login to MySQL

Now in MySQL run source /home/webforms/installme.sql to install the MySQL database.

Leave the MySQL console by using exit.

Step Three

Edit the config.json file located at /home/webforms/config.json

Then open a new screen session.

Now run the below commands to get WebForms started.

cd /home/webforms

npm install

node .

Step Four

First things first, create a Discord application through the Discord developer portal

Now on the OAuth2 page you will need to add the following as a redirect and replace the domain with yours. This is used in our login callback to actually log the user in.


Change example.com to represent your domain name.

Now, copy the Client ID and place it in the config file of WebForms under the discord section. Also copy the Client Secret from the Discord page into your Webforms config.

oauthId = Client ID

oauthToken = Client Secret

Save file. Completed.

Step Five

To edit the site's logo or background you can find your WebForms root directory. Then navigate to public/img/ and you can replace the files there! (Needs to be .png)!!

WebForms will now be started and running.

Go to your website & login with Discord. If you made yourself an admin in your config.json you should be able to access everything in the Staff section and edit as needed!

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