Weblutions Documentation > Product Documentation > FaxTrack > FaxTrack Installation

FaxTrack Installation

Installing FaxTrack is easy provided the guides are followed fully. Please take note of the below requirements for FaxTrack.

  • Linux (Ubuntu) machine to operate. Commonly known as a VPS or dedicated box
  • Domain name

This is a Node.Js based website and requires a server to be ran. This will not run on common 'Shared Hosting' plans.

Step One

Complete the install of a LEMN stack if you have not done so before.

Step Two

Now upload your FaxTrack files into a new directory on the machine under /home/faxtrack.

Install the database by logging into MySQL.

Use mysql -u root -p to login to MySQL

Now in MySQL run source /home/faxtrack/installme.sql to install the MySQL database.

Leave the MySQL console by using exit.

Step Three

Edit the config.json file located at /home/faxtrack/config.json

Then open a new screen session.

Now run the below commands to get FaxTrack started.

cd /home/faxtrack

npm install

node .

FaxTrack will now be started and running.

Go to the /setup URL to complete the setup of FaxTrack.

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