Weblutions Documentation > Knowledgebase > LEMN Stack Install

LEMN Stack Install

This guide covers how to install a LEMN stack to your Ubuntu machine. A LEMN stack is required for the majority of Weblutions products.

A LEMN stack is a group of programs that will be the core operators for our website.

  • L inux
  • E ngine-X (or Nginx)
  • M ySQL Database
  • N odeJs

In addition to these programs we'll also be installing Certbot to ensure that we can create SSL certificates

During this guide we'll be using two programs, these include:

What you need to do before starting:

  • Know your machines login details, this will include a username (commonly root), a password, and an IP
  • Forward your domain name to your machines IP via an A Record

Login to the terminal and run the following command

First we'll update our package manifest using the apt update command.

apt-get -y update

Now we want to install our packages, we can get most of them installed with one command

apt-get install nginx mysql-server certbot python3-certbot-nginx -y

This will install Nginx, MySQL, and Certbot (with Python). This may take some time to install depending on your server.

Now for the last section of our LEMN stack, we'll now install Node.js using Node Version Manager (NVM)

Install NVM using

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.40.2/install.sh | bash

Then to use the NVM command we need to refresh the commands in our terminal. Or instead of this command relog into your terminal

source ~/.nvm/nvm.sh

Finally we install Node version 20.5.1 which is used in Weblutions products.

nvm install 20.5.1

Now you've installed everything for a LEMN stack, to get products setup completely refer back to their guides for certain configurations.

Setup MySQL

We recommend finishing the MySQL setup to ensure that your Databases are secure and meet requirments.

Run this command and ensure you answer no to the password checks and yes to all other options.

sudo mysql_secure_installation

Now lets get the MySQL password set.

sudo mysql

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'CHANGE_ME';



Now you've setup MySQL, remember to save the password somewhere.

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