Weblutions Documentation > FaxCAD > Installation & Setup > Step Four - Starting FaxCAD

Step Four - Starting FaxCAD

You've made it to the last step in the installation guide. This article is an easy one.

First off we want to create a license key at license.faxes.zone. Once you create a license key copy the key and place it in your config file.

After that,

Create a screen session with screen -S faxcad

Once in your screen session we will want to navigate to the directory of our application. Use cd /home/faxcad

We have one more important step before we start FaxCAD... We must install the node modules.

Run the install command

npm install

This installs the required packages that help run FaxCAD.

Now, it's time to start FaxCAD. Use the basic start command with

node .

> 🎉 Congratulations! 🎉

FaxCad is now up and running. Please be sure to check out the guide on using screen sessions for a more detailed guide on how you can control FaxCad.

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