Weblutions Documentation > FiveM Documentation > Discord Whitelist Installation

Discord Whitelist Installation

As of version 3.0 of DiscordWhitelist it no longer uses any other script as a required dependency. It is now standalone and works by itself. Server owners/"developers" appeared to have much trouble installing the script. So now its a drag 'n drop!

Creating an Application

To operate DiscordWhitelist we need to have a Discord bot application in our guild. This bot doesn't need to be online, just in the guild.

  • Create a new application from the Discord Developer Portal.
  • Click on 'Bot' on the left navigation bar and enable the bot. Then copy the Bot Token and have ready for the below.
  • Now in the 'General Information' tab copy the 'Client ID' and replace CLIENT_ID_HERE in the below template.


Now invite your bot to your guild.

Installing DiscordWhitelist

Now it's time to install the script itself. First off...

  • Download and extract [Discord Whitelist][diswhite] into your resources folder.
  • Open the server.js file in the resource and edit to include the settings you want reflected.
  • Add ensure DiscordWhitelist into your server.cfg.

Join My Discord

[diswhite]: https://forum.cfx.re/t/251333

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